Felix is Thursday’s managing director. Over the past years he has built a strong track record of films dealing with social-political issues which has brought him to conflict zones around the world for more than ten years. Felix is a founding member of non-governmental agency Media Frontline e.V. which is dedicated to supporting other filmmakers in countries with restricted freedom of speech.
Today Felix is focused on developing commercially and character-driven stories for international streamers always with the aim to get to the bottom of human relations and to find cinematic approaches.
Felix’ recent projects include the Netflix Original ELDORADO – EVERYTHING THE NAZIS HATE (Executive Producer) and RTL+ true crime mini series WACHTENDONK (Showrunner), both released in 2023. Currently Felix works on a new true crime mini series in collaboration with Netflix and ORF.
Nils works as a director, showrunner and EP for documentaries and documentary series. He also served as a juror, consultant, and expert on various training initiatives for international documentary films and series.From 2019 – 2021 Nils commissioned Original Documentaries for the global streaming service Netflix as lead creative for the DACH territory and part of the EMEA team from London.Within Thursday, he spearheads the development of fictional series content based on real-life events with international production partners.
William has made his home in the DACH region’s creative community since the age of 16. After years spent in numerous departments in the film industry, he increasingly specialized in TV and film production and studied just that at the Film University in Babelsberg. In the process, he developed a strong focus on documentary storytelling close to the protagonists and narrative. As a line producer, he supports Thursday in this very endeavour.
is a producer and film festival organiser based in Berlin.
Yevgeniya is a Ukrainian native and worked as a marketing manager in Kharkiv before she moved to Berlin. Since 2014 she has produced numerous short films, documentaries and film-related workshops and panels for the German Foreign Ministry. In 2016 she founded non-governmental agency Think Tank Ukraine and is organising since then Eastern Ukraine’s biggest film festival, Kharkiv MeetDocs.
The Thursday Company GmbH
Kronenstrasse 18
10117 Berlin